A local amenity society working with the Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk towards a better, safer King’s Lynn

Please reply to Sally Turff, secretary, 15 Queen St, King’s Lynn, PE30 1HT
Tel: 01553 764422 E: twosaintsKL @gmail.com

Geoff Hall,
Executive Director, Planning and Building Control
Chapel Street,
King’s Lynn,
PE30 1EX

3rd July, 2020,

Dear Mr Hall

Re: Planning application 20/00753/F Dr Thirsty’s/Kudos Norfolk Street, upper extension.

The ward forum understands that this application for the proposed extension has now been withdrawn. We are pleased that this is so as we intended to object to the application as we support the comments of the conservation officer and agree that it would be detrimental to the historic ambience of both the building and the surrounding Conservation Area.

Our other concerns about this building rest with the magnificent early 17C high-relief terracotta plaque of St George, the original sign for the St George pub, on the south elevation, which can be best seen from St George’s Yard and the rather fine stained glass window on the street elevation reading ‘Showroom’. Both need protecting should other work be proposed in future.

We understand that the present work on the roof of this building is repair and replacement of pantiles and is not a preliminary to building the extension. This being so, we are happy to allow the work to continue to completion, especially as the conservation office is aware of it and maintaining a watch.

Yours faithfully,

Dr Julian Litten (chairman).
CC: Cllrs Bambridge and Bone, Conservation Officer.